It's National Coaches Day, and we say "thank you" to all our coaches for keeping our Rockets on the field, on the court and on the course! You make a difference in our students' lives every day! #NationalCoachesDay
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Bay Rockets Golf Team 2021-22
Bay Rockets Football 2021-22 Little Brown Jug Victory
Do you have our new mobile app? Catch up with the latest BVCSD news by downloading the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
BVCSD Mobile App Image
Congratulations to BHS, winner of another College Success Award by, which recognizes high schools leading the way for college success. BHS has won this award consecutively since 2018, when the award was started, which bumps it up to Gold Status!
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
College Success Award
This Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at BHS Auditorium is the League of Women Voters' Meet the Candidate Forum for the Board of Education. Masks are required.
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
League of Women Voters Candidate Forums
BHS staff and students worked hard to create this bench for Mrs. Safarz, a dedicated STEM educator and role model, and adviser for many BHS extracurriculars. Mrs. Safarz's positive approach to teaching will have a lasting impact on many students and staff.
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Memorial bench for Mrs. Michelle Safarz
Help the Class of 2022 by buying 50/50 raffle tickets at football games!
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Friday Night Football 50/50 Raffle.
Mrs. Hart's 2nd graders enjoyed a beautiful day outside, going for a fall nature walk, and then sitting down to discuss what they observed in Normandy's outside classroom area that Nicholas Lucak created for his Eagle Scout project!
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Normandy's Mrs. Hart's class enjoys the outdoor classroom.
On this Wellness Wednesday, Normandy & Westerly are celebrating "Start with Hello Week" all week. Westerly students wrote ways that they can "sprinkle" kindness at school.
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Start With Hello Week
Start With Hello Week
Start With Hello Week
There is a Walk for Amy Milhaljevic event on October 27. It steps off from BMS at 5 p.m. For more information, please visit
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Walk for Amy
This Friday's football game vs. North Olmsted is up for Cleveland Browns Game of the Week! Here is the link so you can vote:
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
High School Football Game of the Week Logo
Bay Village Schools is proud to announce that five students have been recognized in the 2022 National Merit® Scholarship Program. Semifinalists: Aden Bergstresser & Milan Oppewall. Commended Students: Jonathan Douglas, Angelica Jameson & Sean Smith. Congratulations!
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
National Merit Students, Class of 2022
BMS PTSA is selling this nifty Bay Rocket Tumbler. The sale runs through 10/6/21. Go to and click on “Shop to Support”. The code is BAYMS. (NOTE: the tumblers are found under the “Frozen Cookie Dough” link.)
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Bay Rockets Tumbler
Bay High Key Club recently donated 100 formalwear pieces to Lorain High Key Club to help students in need attend their Homecoming! Special thanks goes to the community for donating gently used dresses, and to Bay Tide Cleaners for donating the dry cleaning!
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Key Club Collects Formal Attire
The Bay Village Chapter of the League of Women Voters presents School Board (10-6) and City Council (10-11) Candidate Forums at Bay High School. Please consider attending in person or via their live stream:
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
League of Women Voters Candidate Forums
Westerly School has been named a 2021 National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. Westerly is one of only 325 schools in the United States to receive the honor.
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
2021 National Blue Ribbon School emblem
Third- and fourth-graders in the Glenview after-school program rounded up some Bay Spirit this afternoon before the HOCO Parade.
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Glenview Aftercare Program shares Homecoming Spirit
Glenview Aftercare Program shares Homecoming Spirit
Glenview Aftercare Program shares Homecoming Spirit
Today's Homecoming Assembly had many great moments, including the crowning of King Drew and Queen Claire. Congratulations!
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Homecoming Assembly 2021
Homecoming Assembly 2021
Homecoming Assembly 2021
Homecoming Assembly 2021
Purchase Your Game Tickets via THIS Link:
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
One Rocket Nation Logo
Thank you to everyone who came out last night to celebrate the BHS Light the Night Walk and Bonfire event. #BVHomecoming21
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik
Light the Night Walk
Light the Night Walk
Light the Night Walk
Light the Night Walk
Friendly reminder, there won't be any cash sales at Friday's football game. Tickets can be purchased in advance at: ALL FOOTBALL tickets from Grade 1 through adult are $7.00 at the gate. Senior citizens are free.
over 3 years ago, Karen Uthe Semancik