Gifted, Enrichment and Accelerated Services

Serving Gifted Students in Ohio
The State of Ohio passed a law, OAC 3301-51-15, which addresses the issue of identifying children who are gifted. “Gifted” students perform, or show potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment.

This law requires that gifted and talented students be identified in grades K-12 in every school district in Ohio in several areas:

  • Superior Cognitive Ability

  • Superior Academic Ability in math, science, social studies and language arts

  • Creative Thinking Ability

  • Visual and Performing Arts Ability such as art, music, dance, and drama.
    (Students must display these abilities at a level superior to that of children of similar age.)

The Bay Village Board of Education has approved a Gifted Identification Policy and Plan.

This policy includes the following provisions:

  • A description of the assessment instruments from the Ohio Department of Education approved list, which our district will use to screen and identify gifted students

  • Two opportunities a year (fall and spring) for assessment if requested by teachers, parents, or the student.

  • Children with disabilities, minority and disadvantaged students, and students for whom English is a second language will be included in screening and assessment procedures

  • Any student transferring into the district will be assessed within 90 days of the transfer at the request of a parent

  • Parents will be notified about the results of any assessments within 30 days of completion

  • Parents may appeal any decision about the results of their child’s assessment

  • The district will accept scores on assessment instruments provided by other school districts or trained personnel outside the school district, provided the assessment instruments are on the approved state list

Gifted Education and Identification Board Policy

Gifted and Enrichment Handbook


Gina Tianello, Gifted Services Coordinator

Mrs. Gina Tianello
Gifted Education Coordinator


27725 Wolf Road
Bay Village, OH 44140

Ph: 440-617-7623
Fx: 440-617-7601

Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday