Finance + Facilities for the Future Plan

Supt. Scot Prebles

Treasurer Meghan Rohde
During its December 16, 2024, Regular Board Meeting, the Bay Village Board of Education received a recommendation from Bay Village Schools Superintendent Scot Prebles and Treasurer Meghan Rohde to place a Permanent Improvement Levy on the May of 2025 ballot. If approved, the new, no tax increase Permanent Improvement Levy will generate funds to pay for building improvements, technology, textbooks and transportation, with no increase in taxes for Bay Village residents.
The Board voted unanimously to approve the recommendation, which Bay Village residents will vote on at the May 6, 2025, primary election.
(Note: Once the official ballot language and issue number is received from the county, this page will be updated to include that.)
Please click here to see a Finance + Facilities for the Future Plan slide deck.
Please click here to see the district's press release announcing the levy.
• What is the Finance + Facilities for the Future Plan?
The Proposed May 6, 2025, Permanent Improvement Levy serves as the foundation for the district’s Finance + Facilities for the Future Plan. This plan was created as a result of a year-long Strategic Plan discussion that included a review of district finances and a facility audit conducted by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC). About 40 Bay Village residents served on a Facilities Advisory Committee, which recommended during the November 18, 2024, State of the District Board Meeting, that the district’s five school buildings need improvements and upgrades to extend their lifespans, and to improve safety and security.

Facilities Advisory Committee members present their recommendations at the November 18, 2024, State of the District Meeting.
• A 'Unique' Financial Opportunity...
The Finance + Facilities for the Future Plan presents a unique financial opportunity for Bay Village Schools to combine funds from the 2000 Bay Middle School Bond and the 2012 Construction Bond to permanently generate approximately $2.9 million annually, at no additional cost to residents. As these bonds are paid off, the proposed Permanent Improvement Levy will take their place. If approved, taxes currently collected for these bonds continue, keeping the tax rate stable. These funds will be redirected to ongoing capital improvements and updates across the district, as outlined in the Finance + Facilities for the Future Plan.
The goals of the Finance + Facilities of the Future Plan are to: 1) Decrease stress on the district’s general fund to create long-term financial stability; 2) Push out the 2022 operating levy cycle until at least 2027; 3) Create annual capital investment sustainability; and 4) Generate funds to pay for Bay Village Schools’ Finance + Facilities for the Future Plan.
The district also plans to pay off the 2012 Construction Bond early, saving approximately $790,000 in interest payments.
• What are Some of the School Building Improvements and Upgrades?
If approved, approximately $27 million in renovations will be made to all five academic buildings, including safety, security and ADA updates; enhancements to educational spaces to improve student learning opportunities; and capital improvements to extend building lifespans. Please click here for specific improvements at each building.
Additionally, the Permanent Improvement Levy will provide annual funding for the maintenance of the district’s facilities and projects outlined in the district’s five year capital plan (this plan is updated annually and lists facilities and transportation projects and purchases over a five-year period). Currently, these projects are funded with the district’s operating budget from the general fund.
Frequently Asked Questions and More Information
• To read FAQs about the May 6, 2025, Permanent Improvement Levy, please click here. (New questions will constantly be added, with new content listed at the top.)
• If you would like to host Supt. Prebles and Treas. Rohde for a coffee chat in your home to learn more about the Finance + Facilities for the Future Plan, please click here.
• For a list of public Coffee Chats hosted by the district between now and the May 6 primary election, please click here.
• For a list of public information session events hosted by the district and community organizations, please click here.
• Bay Village's Faith Leaders are hosting a public Information Session on Thursday, February 27 at 7 p.m. Please click here for more information.
• The League of Women Voters is hosting a public forum event on Monday, April 7 at 7 p.m. at Bay Middle School Library. (More information coming soon!)
• To read the January 2025 edition of The Rocket Report mailed newsletter, please click here.. (This issue leads with a Q & A article about the plan and the levy.)
• To read the January 2025 edition of One Rocket Nation News ENewsletter, please click here. (This issue contains an article about the plan and the levy.)
New! The following Board of Education Meetings will have time allotted on the agenda for public Q & A about the Finance + Facilities for the Future Plan and the proposed Permanent Improvement Levy. All community members are encouraged to attend.
•Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 6:30 p.m., Board of Education
•Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 6:30 p.m., Board of Education
•Monday, March 17, 2025, 6:30 p.m., Board of Education
•Monday, April 14, 2025, 6:30 p.m., Board of Education
Thank You, Facilities Core and Advisory Committees, for Helping to Prepare a Framework for this Plan.
Facilities Advisory Committee: (in alphabetical order)
Amber Ashley; Anne Ashley; Debbie Callihan; Sean Crowley; Jennifer Demaline; Marcy Demko; Lauren DiMauro; Kristin Dussault; Mike Edelman; Aaron Ereditario; Carl Frey; Jenn Fuller; Abbey Gleason; Robert Hoon; Amy Huntley; Carol Hyde; Ron Ignaczak; Meghan Jenkins; Alyssa Kamm; Casey Kinat; Tom Mack; Karen Misciagna; Patrick Mosier; Carey Musil; Mark Notarberadino; Tricia Pascuzzi; Jen Trolio Randel; Kate Rettig; Meghan Rohde; Julia Russell; Aileen Rutledge; Scot Prebles; Julie Scanlan; Tom Tennant; Jill Vasil; Steve Wilczynski; Shannon Woods; and Emily Zinda.

A Facilities Advisory Committee Meeting

State Report Card Information from the 2023-24 School Year