Bay Middle School


Good Morning BMS. Today is Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Pledge of Allegiance (Monday Only) 

Fun Holiday: 

Shout Outs:  

Celebrity Birthdays:   Natalie Ripley, Zachary McCale, Rachel Hoffman

Lunch: Pizza Hut cheese pizza, side salad, baby carrots, fresh fruit, and a choice of milk. 

BMS Announcements

Drumroll, please! Today marks the end of our sensational sale. We want to give a big shoutout to each and every one of you for supporting our fundraiser and Bay Middle School. You're all rock stars in our book! Thank you for making a difference.

Here are the pig race leaders with one day to go!

Brewer - overall leader for the whole school 











Chess Club will begin Friday, September 22nd at 2:55 pm in room 138 (Mr. Kevesdy’s room in the 6th grade hallway). 

 All students in grades 5 through 8 are welcome. 

 Stop by Mr. K’s room after school any day this week to get a permission slip. 

 The slip will need to be filled out by a parent and brought to the first meeting.   

Calling ALL creative writers in 7th and 8th grade! 

Do you like to write for fun? Do you like to share your stories and meet new people? Then come join Power of the Pen, our Bay Middle School creative writing club. 

We will have our first informational meeting this Thursday, September 14th after school from 3:00 - 3:30 in Mrs. Goldberg's classroom. Even if you are in fall sports or Honors Orchestra - you can still join! Come see Mrs. Goldberg or Mr. Barberic with any questions or if you can't make it to the informational meeting. 

Write on! 

Sports Report:

Yesterday the 7th grade volleyball team soundly beat Greenbriar in two sets with the scores of 25-2, 25-8.  This takes their record to 5-3 overall.  Highlights were: Bridget McAlea served for 9 points with 6 aces and added 3 kills, Rachel Kraft served for 11 points with 7 aces and 4 kills, Abby Cronin served for 16 points with 13 aces and Sawyer Kerns added 3 kills and served for 3 points with 2 aces, Audrey Weingart had two kills and Anna Spellman had 1 kill.

The Rockets host Shiloh on Wednesday!  Great work, ladies!  


Today is September 12,  2023